… as an assistant professor in 2006, according to her federal … defending Curran as “just an academic” who was “not well … Curran to resolve outstanding issues. Concerned that a meeting …
… are dirty words to some people in academe, often promoted by … who enter college with the worst academic preparation do not earn … should reconsider blindly advising all students into a …
… from UCLA’s history department, in which Gabriel Piterberg, the … wouldn’t blame her for switching advisers, but that it would be very … she wanted a hearing before the Academic Senate instead. Thomason …
… every college and university in America has refocused its … as advisers outside the formal advising structure. They created … chance of remaining in good academic standing. We now know the …
… what should be the work of their adviser and/or senior faculty members in their department. In other … semester, a quarter or over an academic year). Because I am paying …
… to the study -- at least in some disciplines. In fact, there … venture into such spiritualized academic terrain,” the book says, … which liberalized on many social issues, but on few economic ones.” …
… paid to higher education in the current Democratic debates, … to fixing many higher education issues. Besides proposing to … out the following: A) Expanding academic course offerings to …
… -- was washing her hands in a restroom on the second floor … on campus. It also highlights an issue facing many universities, … to the public at large. “Academic libraries, in particular …
… service and leadership in a department. Could institutions … from the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher … geography but they can attend to issues of support for academic
… a midlife crisis. But I’m an academic. So I chose to go back to … the other students, participated in class activities, took the final … agreed. We wanted to write about issues related to our jobs, majors …