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Republican officials from two Michigan counties took issue with Grand Valley State University after their local health departments were listed as “partners” for the university’s sex education week events, which took place last week, MLive reported. The officials said they did not want it to look like they were contributing financially to the programming, which included a talk on sex toys and “kinky karaoke,” described on GVSU’s site as a “night of fun with sex-related songs.”

As of Friday, both health departments’ names had been removed from the site.

The university sent a statement to MLive explaining why the departments had been listed as “partners”: “Both departments have been long-time partners in efforts to provide health education to our students, including STI testing and education,” administrators wrote. “Their involvement in those aspects of the Sex Ed Week program prompted event organizers to recognize their partnership by including their logos.”

The Kent County GOP also launched a petition against the sex education week on its site.

“Sign NOW to let the Kent County Health Department and Grand Valley University know you do NOT support the use of your taxpayer dollars funding ‘kink’ education and sex toy demonstrations for college students,” reads the petition, which had more than 700 signatures as of Monday night.