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The Faculty Senate at Texas A&M University approved a resolution this week that said “shared governance is no longer functioning as envisioned by faculty at Texas A&M University," The Texas Tribune reported.

Faculty largely blame President Kathy Banks.

“This is a matter of sentiment,” said Kathryn Falvo, a senator and history professor from Texas A&M Galveston, at a Monday meeting. “I’m hearing from a great deal of faculty and a great deal of students that there is a lack of trust in the administration.”

Banks, upon taking office last year, hired MGT Consulting to review A&M’s organizational structure and provide recommendations. In December, she announced 41 recommendations that she had accepted and would put into place. Faculty leaders say they should have been involved in those decisions.

The administration said that faculty have been involved. “It’s disappointing that this resolution doesn’t recognize the extensive faculty input that has been listened to on every major issue and change that has occurred in the last year,” said N.K. Anand, vice president for faculty affairs. “There have been multiple opportunities for faculty opinion to influence decisions. There simply is not a single example given of when both the spirit and the letter of the policy was not followed.”