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A new report explores how Hispanic-serving institutions are serving Latino graduates after they earn their degrees.

The brief, released Tuesday by Excelencia in Education, an organization focused on Latino student success, examined the practices of a cohort of seven institutions to support student success after graduation. Participating HSIs included the University of Illinois at Chicago, Austin Community College, Long Beach City College, Texas State University, the University of Arizona, Wilbur Wright College and California State University, Fullerton.

The report found several key strengths among the group of institutions in helping graduates to continue to thrive. These institutions provided culturally relevant supports to graduates, such as networking opportunities and lifetime access to career services, and tracked postgraduation success metrics such as former students’ salaries and job outcomes. Most of the institutions also disaggregated data on these success metrics so they could progress toward closing equity gaps for Latino graduates.

“A quality education is part of a student’s journey to a job and career,” Deborah Santiago, co-founder and CEO of Excelencia, said in a news release. “The seven institutions we worked with for this brief accepted the challenge to examine their data, practices, and leadership efforts to define the institutional role post-completion. They are committed to being intentional in their post-completion role to support Latino and other post-traditional students.”