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Merrill Irving Jr., the president of Hennepin Technical College who was accused last year of belittling disabled employees and making sexually derogatory comments about colleagues, is still on the job, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.

The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System recently determined that Irving’s comments violated good workplace procedure but did not violate the college’s harassment policy.

“There was insufficient evidence that the statements were pervasive or severe such that the subjects’ work environment would be affected,” said Doug Anderson, a spokesperson for the system.

A former Hennepin employee who says Irving harassed her asked the Minnesota Department of Human Rights to investigate further.

“A general consensus among the people whom I met with in connection with this investigation is that Dr. Irving frequently belittles people about their physical characteristics, idiosyncrasies and tendencies, and frequently makes sexualized jokes, innuendo and comments,” a lawyer who conducted the college system’s harassment investigation said in June.

Irving told the Star Tribune in a statement that his comments were misinterpreted.

“I’ve made it clear to the chancellor that I understand that leadership excellence requires more to be successful. I am dedicated to ensuring that my communication is perceived as positive and respectful,” Irving said.