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Kenneth Jessell, Florida International University’s interim president, published a letter Wednesday outlining the university’s commitment to addressing sexual and gender-based misconduct and unveiling a new website where students and employees can report discrimination, abuse and harassment.

The letter comes a week after former FIU president Mark Rosenberg resigned for causing an employee “discomfort.”

Jessell wrote that the university has “work to do when it comes to our campus culture.”

“We must continue to take all steps possible to prevent sexual- and gender-based misconduct, which have no place at FIU or anywhere else. FIU must continue to be an inclusive and safe institution, where everyone feels empowered to come forward when they encounter behavior that runs counter to our values and policies,” Jessell wrote. “When individuals do come forward, they must feel heard and have access to the resources they need. And every member of the FIU community must do their part to support those who have been harmed and to prevent misconduct.”

Jessell plans to host a dialogue with students and employees next week.