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Oakland University, in Michigan, accidentally sent emails to 5,500 of its admitted students Jan. 4 notifying them they were to receive the university’s highest scholarship, the Platinum Presidential Scholar Award, The Detroit Free Press reported. The award is worth $12,000 a year for four years.

The mistake was due to “human error,” university spokesman Brian Bierley said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the students who received the message do not meet the eligibility requirements for this award, but have qualified for varying levels of OU scholarship awards,” Bierley said. “While the emails were sent in error, OU notifies students of scholarship awards through official scholarship award letters sent to students via United States mail.”

Bierley said an “immediate correction update” was sent to all 5,500 admitted students within two hours of the initial mistake.

Central Michigan University last week awarded 58 full-tuition scholarships after the university mistakenly sent an email to those 58 students saying that they had won them.