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Gregory Manco, a former visiting professor of math and assistant baseball coach at St. Joseph’s University in Pennsylvania, is suing the institution for suspending him and then not renewing this contract after an investigation into his anonymous tweets denouncing reparations and antibias training. Manco, who is white, alleges that St. Joseph’s discriminated against him on the basis of race and defamed him last year in its handling of complaints about the tweets, which some students saw on a nonuniversity account and reported to administrators.

Beyond the tweets, some students complained about alleged discrimination or bias by Manco in the classroom, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. The university reportedly hired an independent third party to investigate. St. Joseph’s has since said that not renewing Manco’s contract was about staffing needs, not the controversy. Six alumni have threatened to withhold donations over the case, siding with Manco, according to the Inquirer. Manco’s lawsuit says he’s a victim of “cancel culture” and that the university’s inquiry “exonerated” him on all counts. The university has publicly maintained that a “definitive determination could not be made due to insufficient evidence.” St. Joseph’s has declined to comment on the lawsuit in any detail.