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Florida International University published a statement Sunday revealing that its president, Mark B. Rosenberg, resigned Friday in part because he had entered into an emotional relationship that caused a university employee “discomfort.”

Rosenberg resigned suddenly Friday after 13 years as president, saying that he needed to attend to “personal health issues” and to the deteriorating health of his wife of 47 years. Sunday, the chair of the Board of Regents of the public university in Miami, Dean C. Colson, released a short statement that introduced a letter from Rosenberg amplifying his reasoning.

In it, he said that his wife’s declining health and his role as her primary caregiver had affected his own personal well-being and prompted him to seek mental health services. Beyond that, though, he wrote, “Regrettably, these issues spilled over to my work and I caused discomfort for a valued colleague. I unintentionally created emotional (not physical) entanglement. I have apologized. I apologize to you. I take fully responsibility and regret my actions.”

Rosenberg said he had disclosed the relationship “through proper channels” and concluded with the board that an “immediate change” would be best.