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Four University of California campuses, which started their winter quarters online this week, are extending the time that they will be online through the end of January, the Los Angeles Times reported.

The four campuses are Irvine, Davis, Santa Cruz and San Diego. The campuses originally planned to resume in-person instruction sooner.

Howard Gillman, the chancellor at Irvine, cited testing results in a message to the campus. “In our testing just since this past Sunday we are finding a ‘testing positivity’ rate over 13 percent. Even with our consistent guidance on best practices during the holidays, more than one out of 10 members of our community who test are testing positive for COVID-19. Just as importantly, Orange County is currently a COVID-19 hot spot, with a test positivity rate of over 25 percent. That is simply too much disease transmission both on campus and in the community to assume safe in-person interactions,” Gillman wrote.