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In honor of World Contraception Day Sept. 26, the Center for Biological Diversity donated 1,400 “endangered species” condoms to 12 institutions across California. The condoms’ colorful packaging features pictures of species threatened by population growth, accompanied by slogans like “Wrap with care, save the polar bear” and “Before it gets any hotter, think of the sea otter.”

The donation is meant to call attention to the mass extinction of wildlife, which the organization said is caused by human activity. “Human population growth and overconsumption are worsening the extinction crisis,” said Sarah Baillie, population and sustainability organizer at the center, in a press release. “If we can get people talking about how safe sex saves wildlife, it’s the first step toward tackling these pressing issues.” The organization said that as the human population has more than doubled over the past 50 years, wildlife populations have been halved -- with more than a million species facing possible extinction in the coming decades.

Student volunteers will distribute the condoms at Chabot College; Sonoma State University; the University of California, Santa Cruz; UC Berkeley; UC Santa Barbara; California State University; Chapman University and five others, the organization said.