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Biddy Martin will step down as president of Amherst College at the end of the '21-'22 academic year, after 11 years leading the Massachusetts liberal arts institution, the college announced Monday.

Martin intends to take a yearlong sabbatical and then return to Amherst as a faculty member.

“I look forward to writing, having more time to read, lingering over coffee with friends, playing more, and contributing what I can to the causes that matter to me,” Martin said in a statement. “It will also be a good time for a new president to assume the role: the College is in excellent financial shape, has a remarkably talented and diverse student body and an outstanding and increasingly diverse faculty and staff, exciting projects in the works, and is making progress toward its goal of inclusiveness and equity.”

The Board of Trustees will begin a search for the college’s new president shortly, according to a press release.

(This story has been updated to clarify when the president is stepping down.)