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Actor Daniel Franzese, best known for his work in the comedy Mean Girls, has accused Walsh University, a Roman Catholic institution, of canceling a contract with him because he is gay. Franzese posted a YouTube video Thursday saying he had been asked to host the university’s Mr. Walsh pageant this month. The contract was complete in February, but one week before the event, he was contacted by the student activities director, who canceled the arrangement.

“I am incredibly disappointed and sincerely apologetic for this is, I know, unprofessional and clearly based on personal beliefs of the higher administration,” Franzese quotes the staff member as writing in the email. Franzese said he believes the decision was because he is gay, and on March 15 the Vatican released a statement saying clergy should not bless same-sex marriages.

Walsh University responded in a statement, The Repository reported. "Mr. Daniel Franzese has neither been employed nor under contract for any services in any form at any time with Walsh University. The email cited by Mr. Franzese from Director of Student Activities and Leadership reflects her personal views."