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Students at North Carolina State University held a demonstration Tuesday afternoon against employee Chadwick Seagraves, a desktop support manager.

Seagraves has been accused of having ties to the Proud Boys and other white supremacist groups, harassing an N.C. State student, and helping publish and distribute personal information on left-wing activists in Oregon.

N.C. State announced last week that disciplinary action could not be taken against Seagraves because an investigation by the university "did not substantiate any significant allegations" or provide evidence that Seagraves had broken the law or university policy.

“We call upon Chadwick Seagraves to directly address the NC State community and denounce all forms of white supremacy and acknowledge the harm caused to students, specifically students of color and student activists, that can occur when supporting white supremacists,” student government president Melanie Flowers wrote in the "executive order" organizing the demonstration. The order also called on Seagraves to resign.

Seagraves has denied that he is associated with the Proud Boys or white supremacists. “I categorically denounce white supremacism and, as a Constitutionalist and Free Speech Absolutist, I abhor the concept of fascism and authoritarianism of any sort,” he said in a statement last month. He called the accusations against him an “organized campaign of slander.”

Students and faculty have voiced concern about Seagraves's access to their personal information as part of his job at the university. University investigators determined that Seagraves “did not have access to the protected personal information of any NC State student or any staff members other than those supervised by the employee,” a spokesperson told The News & Observer.