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Women and people of color make less money and have less job security than their white, male counterparts in academe, according to a new “snapshot” analysis of federal data from 2018 by the American Association of University Professors. “That these data sets predate the advent of COVID-19 is cause for true alarm and also a clear call to action,” Rana Jaleel, assistant professor of gender, sexuality and women’s studies at the University of California, Davis, and chair of the AAUP’s Committee on Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, said in a statement.

Women make up 43 percent of full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members and 54 percent of full-time, non-tenure-track professors, according to the report. Salaries for female full-time faculty members are approximately 81 percent of men’s over all, and female tenure-track and tenured professors in particular make 82 percent of what their male counterparts do. Women are 50 percent of assistant professors, 45 percent of associate professors and 34 percent of full professors.

Underrepresented minority faculty members are 13 percent of full-time professors but 33 percent of the U.S. population. Five percent of full-time faculty members are Latinx, compared to 18 percent of the population. Six percent of full-timers are Black, compared to 13 percent of the population.