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The Faculty Senate at the University of Notre Dame voted by a 29 to 13 margin in favor of a resolution expressing disappointment in President John I. Jenkins’s actions during a Sept. 26 White House event he attended where masking and social distancing protocols were not followed, the South Bend Tribune reported.

Father Jenkins contracted COVID-19 after the event, a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden marking the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to become a Supreme Court justice. The nation's chief infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has described the ceremony, which has been linked to multiple other cases, as a "superspreader event."

The Faculty Senate resolution initially was proposed as a vote of no confidence but was instead amended to be a vote expressing disappointment. It states, “Whereas President Jenkins failed to abide by the University Policies concerning COVID-19 precautions during his trip to Washington D.C.; whereas Fr. Jenkins has apologized for his actions, be it resolved, the Faculty Senate expresses its disappointment in his actions. Be it further resolved, the Faculty Senate also accepts his apology.”