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New York magazine reported that Jed Rubenfeld, Robert R. Slaughter Professor of Law at Yale University, was suspended for two years following a sexual harassment investigation. Upon returning to Yale, Rubenfeld will not be allowed to teach small groups or required courses. According to New York, sources said the university found a pattern of sexual harassment by Rubenfeld, such as unwanted touching and attempted kissing, involving several students. Rubenfeld told the magazine that he never “sexually harassed anyone, whether verbally or otherwise. Yes, I’ve said stupid things that I regret over the course of my 30 years as professor, and no professor who’s taught as long as I have that I know doesn’t have things that they regret that they said.” He added, “Ironically, I have written about the unreliability of the campus Title IX procedures. I never expected to go through one of them myself.”
Rubenfeld reportedly said the identities of his accusers were not shared with him, but one accuser told New York that she did reveal her name to Rubenfeld, per Yale’s sexual harassment investigation policies. “I had to, and I did so at considerable risk given his influence in the legal community,” the unnamed source reportedly said. Yale declined comment. News of an investigation into Rubenfeld's conduct first broke in 2018.