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Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton has been appointed chancellor of a university in Northern Ireland.

Clinton, who ran against Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, will be the first woman in Queen's University's 173-year history to hold the position, according to the BBC. The term lasts for five years.

Clinton will succeed Tom Moran, an American businessman who died in August 2018. The chancellor is chosen by a special committee, which receives nominations for the position, according to the university's website.

The role of chancellor at Queen's University, located in Belfast, is largely ceremonial. Clinton will act as an ambassador for the university as well as an adviser for the vice chancellor, and she is expected to participate in graduation ceremonies.

Clinton received an honorary degree from Queen's in 2018 and took the opportunity to speak out against Brexit. She also participated in the peace process in Northern Ireland along with her husband, former president Bill Clinton.