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Clark College, a community college in Vancouver, Wash., close to the Oregon border, has admitted to violating its nondiscrimination policy.

The Columbian reported the Clark College Board of Trustees voted on Tuesday to acknowledge their violation, which they described only as a “salary disparity” that had been “retroactively remedied.”

The vote followed an investigation by the board into “complaints against a public employee,” in which the college brought in Seattle-based investigator D Diamond Consulting at a cost of $13,000.

At the same time, the board requested interim president Sandra Fowler-Hill re-evaluate certain employment, salary and evaluation policies. The complaints follow discussions around Clark’s lack of support for students and employees of color, and the Clark College Foundation filing an injunction against Oregon Public Broadcasting to prevent them from acquiring organization records.

Further information on who levied the complaint has not yet been provided, but that information could become public record in the next few weeks if those named in the complaint do not ask Clark to reconsider its findings.