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Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday appointed leaders from California's higher education, K-12, labor and business sectors to a new Council for Postsecondary Education, which he said was designed to enable the various segments of higher education to work more closely and collaboratively together. The new panel, which will advise the governor but does not have formal powers, may be the closest thing the state has had to a coordinating body since Newsom's predecessor, Governor Jerry Brown, killed the California Postsecondary Education Commission in 2011.

The lack of a coordinating body has been criticized by many policy makers in the state, who say such a commission would help the state set priorities and better carry out (and possibly update) its 1960 Master Plan. It is not clear whether the new panel appointed by Newsom will fill some of those gaps. Its members include:

  • Janet Napolitano, president, University of California
  • Timothy White, chancellor, California State University
  • Eloy Ortiz Oakley, chancellor, California Community Colleges
  • Kristen Soares, president, Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities
  • Tony Thurmond, California state superintendent of public instruction
  • Linda Darling-Hammond, president, California State Board of Education
  • Allan Zaremberg, president and chief executive officer, CalChamber
  • Art Pulaski, executive secretary-treasurer, California Labor Federation
  • Lenny Mendonca, governor’s chief economic and business adviser
  • Keely Bosler, director, California Department of Finance
  • Lande Ajose, senior policy adviser, Office of the Governor