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Inside Higher Ed is releasing our newest report, "Squeezed From All Sides: Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Public Universities," today.
The drastic changes unfolding in society have majorly impacted and will continue to impact regional public universities.
Leaders at these institutions face many challenges. They are attempting to meet lofty degree-attainment goals by focusing on the enrollment of part-time and older students. Teacher shortages, political issues and concerns about racism and sexism are all top of mind. And of course, both the national and regional economies continue to impact universities a decade after the Great Recession.
The report features specific strategies, while considering the larger forces at play, so that leaders are prepared to make important choices to lead their institutions and regions into the future.
It is available for purchase here; you may also download a free preview of the report from that page. And we invite you to sign up for a webcast on the themes of the report on Thursday, Aug. 8, at 2 p.m. Eastern.