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William Strampel, former dean of Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine, and the direct supervisor of Larry Nassar, was found guilty on Wednesday of willful neglect of duty and misconduct in office.

Strampel is the first Michigan State administrator to be convicted in connection with the Nassar scandal. Nassar, a former university team doctor, was found guilty last year of serial sexual abuse and jailed.

After five hours of deliberations, jurors supported the state’s argument that Strampel used his power to proposition and control young female medical students, The Lansing State Journal reported. The jury also found that Strampel displayed “complete indifference” to a duty to enforce the limits put on Nassar after a patient accused him of sexual misconduct.

Strampel was acquitted of a second-degree criminal sexual conduct charge.

Lou Anna Simon, the former Michigan State president who left in the wake of the controversy, also had her preliminary hearing this week for charges of lying to police in the Nassar investigation. A judge said it seemed likely there was enough evidence to proceed with a trial in Simon’s case.