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Dr. Phil McGraw, the television personality, recently insulted Slippery Rock University. In explaining the motives of parents who tried to pay bribes to assure their children's admission to top colleges, Dr. Phil said that such parents "want to say, ‘My kid’s going to Harvard; my kid’s going to USC or Yale.’ I think it’s bragging rights for them and they don’t want to be the one parent that says, ‘Well, yeah, my kid’s going to, like, Slippery Rock.’” The comment prompted an open letter from the university's president, William Behre, suggesting that Dr. Phil could learn a thing or two about places like Slippery Rock.

Dr. Phil has responded with an apology, posted on the university's website. In the apology, Dr. Phil says that he intended "Slippery Rock" as a "fictitious example," and that he was unaware that Slippery Rock was a real university. Having now done some research, Dr. Phil wrote that he "could not be more impressed with your fine institution."