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The University of Montana will be fined nearly $1 million for reporting “inaccurate and misleading” crime statistics for three years.

Under the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, institutions must disclose the number of crimes committed on campus. The Missoulian reported that the university failed to accurately report everything from “liquor violations to rape” from 2012 to 2015.

The institution intends to appeal the fine, even though it agreed with the U.S. Department of Education’s findings, according to The Missoulian.

The review of the university’s Clery reports began in 2011, according to the newspaper -- based on allegations of sexual misconduct and media reports, the department expanded to review crime statistics from 2012 to 2015.

The Missoulian reported the university omitted the following crimes:

  • 18 offenses in the 2013 report for the previous year, including one "forcible" sex offense.
  • 90 offenses in the 2014 report, including 52 "liquor law referrals" and 34 "drug law referrals."
  • 22 offenses in the 2015 report, including six "forcible sex offenses/rape."
  • Three offenses in the 2016 report.