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The editorial board of the International Journal of Occupation and Environmental Health resigned last week in protest of various editorial decisions, according to Retraction Watch. The board has for months criticized actions taken by the journal, including its appointment of a new editor with ties to industry and what the board has described as the “unilateral withdrawal” of a 2016 paper critical of corporate-sponsored research. A previous editor oversaw the withdrawal, but the board in its resignation letter said it did not wish to follow the journal as it pursues an “apparent new direction.”

Taylor & Francis, the journal’s publisher, told Retraction Watch this week that it was sorry the board “did not wish to take the opportunities offered by ourselves and the editor in chief to discuss the journal’s future.” The publisher said it had no plans to make major changes to the journal and denied that any paper had been “unilaterally retracted.” Rather, it said, the paper in question was withdrawn because it was “published inadvertently, before the review process had been completed.”

Former board member Barry Castleman, an environmental consultant, said in response that Taylor & Francis “continues to refuse to provide information on how and why [it] took it upon itself to withdraw a paper that was peer reviewed, accepted and published” in a scientific journal.