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A former University of Maryland student was indicted for murder Thursday in the stabbing death of a Bowie State University student, which remains under federal investigation as a hate crime.

County prosecutors, however, said they do not have enough information to bring hate-crime charges against Sean Urbanski, 22, who is accused of killing Richard Collins III, a black student who was due to graduate from Bowie State days after his death. Collins had been commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army.

A Federal Bureau of Investigation spokesman told The Washington Post that authorities continue to investigate whether hate-crime charges are appropriate. Urbanski is white.

University of Maryland President Wallace Loh announced shortly after Collins’s murder that the institution will revamp efforts to combat prejudice on campus.

Collins was stabbed in the early morning at a bus stop when he was visiting University of Maryland in May. Police said Urbanski's attack on Collins was "unprovoked." The murder prompted national scrutiny, in part because Urbanski was part of a Facebook group called Alt-Reich Nation, on which racist memes proliferated.