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A group of Democratic lawmakers asked the leaders of seven federal science agencies Friday to estimate the potential work force layoffs that would be caused by the passage of the proposed White House 2018 budget.

“Our country risks huge job losses if the president’s budget is enacted, and jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics will be particularly hard hit. I have serious concerns about the effects of this budget on our country’s national labs, universities and science agencies,” said Representative Bill Foster, the Illinois Democrat who led the drafting of the letter. “If these funding levels become a reality, our country’s leadership in science and innovation would be permanently damaged.”

The letter went to the leaders of the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and NASA. The lawmakers asked for a projection of how many researchers would receive support from the 2018 budget compared to current levels as well as a projection of how many National Laboratory employees would see their jobs eliminated if the White House budget was passed.