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Many college and university presidents have signed a statement -- “We Are Still In” -- that will be released today. The statement will also be signed by governors, mayors and business leaders -- all pledging to continue efforts to meet the environmental goals outlined in the Paris Agreement, the pact from which President Trump announced last week that he would withdraw the United States.

Trump's decision has been denounced by many scientific groups. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the issue has drawn particular attention, because some of the talking points issued by the White House suggested that MIT research backed some of the president's claims. MIT issued a statement explaining how the White House talking points were "misleading" about the findings of research. L. Rafael Reif, president of MIT, also issued a statement expressing his concerns about the Trump decision. "At MIT, we take great care to get the science right," Reif said. "The scientific consensus is overwhelming: as human activity emits more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the global average surface temperature will continue to rise, driving rising sea levels and extreme weather."