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Wallace D. Loh, president of the University of Maryland at College Park on Wednesday evening announced a series of actions to promote inclusiveness on the campus, which has been shaken by the arrest of a student, who is white and who was a member of an online hate group, for the murder of a black student from Bowie State University. Loh announced the following steps:

  • The creation of a "trained, rapid-response team for any hate-bias incident. This action team -- comprised of faculty, staff and students -- would provide support and services to any member of our community who is the subject of a hate incident."
  • The allocation of $100,000 to support additional inclusion efforts on campus.
  • The creation of an annual report on all hate crimes on campus.
  • An effort to work with athletics officials to "strengthen existing intercollegiate athletics policy to explicitly prohibit any hate-bias symbols or actions in any athletic venue, subject to immediate removal of the violator from that venue."