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Union College is investigating a lewd “scavenger hunt” started by a women’s athletics team that challenged participants to smoke marijuana with faculty, drink urine and have public sex on the campus ice rink.

Officials at the private New York college were alerted to a Google document that was widely circulated around campus and detailed various inappropriate and sometimes sexual acts, each with an assigned point value, according to news reports.

Participants who drew male genitalia on their face and let it remain there for a day would earn 100 points. Vomiting on someone or eating a marijuana-infused brownie also netted 100 points. Activities with higher point values were often sexual. Smoking marijuana with a professor would win 1,000 points; drinking a teammate's urine, 400 points, and sex on the Frank L. Messa Rink at Achilles Center, 200 points.

A college spokesman told the Times Union that the institution didn’t believe anyone participated in the hunt -- what administrators called a bucket list. The college has declined to identify the team responsible for the event. Officials began investigating after three athletes reported it to the athletic department.

Dean of Students Stephen Leavitt and Director of Athletics Jim McLaughlin sent an email to the campus Wednesday, saying, “We were disappointed to learn that a document outlining a 'bucket list' of activities to be engaged in for sport has been shared among members of the campus community. Many of the items on the list, which allegedly originated with one of the women's athletic teams, are described in a manner that is vulgar and offensive. Union is committed to maintaining an environment free of harassment of all kinds, and an investigation is underway in accordance with college protocol, and upon completion, the administration will promptly pursue appropriate action. We will continue to provide educational and training programs for our students and staff in an effort to ensure that Union is an inclusive community free from harassment and intimidation, characterized by mutual respect and concern for the well-being of others."