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The Senate blocked teacher-prep rules issued by the Obama administration last year through a joint resolution under the Congressional Review Act. Republicans in the House began the process to block the rules in February.

The rules were finalized after a years-long process and received backing from education reform groups. But they were opposed by Republicans as well as teachers' unions that have traditionally been aligned with the Democrats.

On Thursday, 17 higher ed organizations, including the American Council on Education and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, signed on to a letter supporting the measure.

“Overturning this regulation says that states -- not a distant department in Washington, D.C. -- are responsible for evaluating whether a college’s program gives teachers the skills they need to help their students learn,” said Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander, the chairman of the Senate education committee, in a statement. “The department’s regulation also would force states to evaluate teachers in a way that Congress specifically prohibited in the bill to fix No Child Left Behind that got 85 votes in the Senate. I look forward to President Trump’s signature.”