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Hundreds of University of Michigan students have signed a petition criticizing President Mark Schlissel for, in their view, going too far in criticizing Donald Trump, The Detroit Free Press reported. Specifically, the petition cited Schlissel's comments at a campus vigil the day after the election, when he said, "Ninety percent of you rejected the kind of hate and the fractiousness and the longing for some sort of idealized version of a nonexistent yesterday." The petition says that the president was unfairly characterizing anyone who voted for Trump with voting for hate. Further, it says that the statements of the president and others made pro-Trump students feel their views were not respected.

A spokesman for the university sent the newspaper an email. "This was not anti-Trump rally," the email said. "It was organized by students to bring all students together following a divisive election campaign. The Central Student Government president invited President Schlissel to be one of several speakers. Most of those who spoke at the rally were encouraging all students to come together and support each other."

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