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The University of Richmond has been facing intense criticism for an email that that defended the university's handling of a sexual assault complaint filed by a student. The email said many of the statements made in public by the woman who brought the complaint were "inaccurate" -- leading many on campus to say the university was branding the student a liar.

On Friday, Ronald A. Crutcher, the president of the university, sent an email to the campus, in which he said that the administrators who wrote the email "conveyed their sincere regret and apology that their email message earlier this week has caused pain. I echo that sentiment." But while he apologized for the pain, he didn't say that the statement was wrong. He did pledge the university's commitment to dealing with allegations of sexual assault and to protecting students. "We know that it is our job and responsibility to help students, to care for them and to contribute to the well-being of each individual and our community as a whole," Crutcher wrote.

At a Richmond football game on Saturday night, dozens of students held a protest over the university's response to sexual assaults, WRIC News reported. Further, another student has come forward to say that her complaint was not handled appropriately.