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A trustee has quit the board of Ursinus College over the Twitter comments of the board chair, which have upset many students as well, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. Michael C. Marcon, an insurance executive who is board chair, has made tweets about who should and shouldn't wear yoga pants, and written that Caitlyn Jenner's speaking fees mean that there is no gender wage gap. Marcon issued a statement Monday night saying, “I am sorry for creating a situation that has led to frustration, confusion and disappointment …. More is expected of a trustee, and I resolve to live up to the college’s high standards.” He said he would meet faculty and student leaders this week.
David Bloom, the board member who resigned over the tweets on Sunday, said that he did not think Marcon actually apologized for what he did. Bloom said of the Twitter comments, “I read strong evidence of an elitist, racist, sexist, body-shaming, anti-LGBTQ, exclusive-minded and generally intolerant individual.”