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The White House made a series of announcements on Monday related to expanding U.S.-Cuba educational exchanges timed with President Obama's visit to the island. These include a new $1 million commitment from "the Cuban American community" to the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund, a public-private partnership that seeks to expand student exchange throughout the Western Hemisphere. Cuba has also been added to the list of participating countries for two U.S. Department of State-funded exchange programs: the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program, which brings midcareer professionals to the U.S. for nondegree study and professional experiences, and the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship program, which funds study abroad for American undergraduates with financial need.

Monday’s announcements -- a full list of which can be found here -- are the latest in a series of steps the Obama administration has taken since 2011 to open up and promote educational travel to Cuba.