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A new commission promises to assess the future of undergraduate education based on research and data, rather than the anecdotes and hyperbole that undergird many analyses of higher education these days. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences plans to create a Commission on the Future of Undergraduate Education, funded with $2.2 million from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. A news release said the panel will examine "how well today's students are served by the existing system" and identify how higher education can "build on [its] historic strengths and respond effectively to the demographic, technological, financial and other developments that lie ahead." The panel is led by Michael S. McPherson, president of the Spencer Foundation, and Roger W. Ferguson Jr., president and CEO of TIAA-CREF. Its other members are:

  • Joseph E. Aoun, president, Northeastern University
  • Deborah Loewenberg Ball, dean, University of Michigan School of Education
  • Sandy Baum, senior fellow, the Urban Institute
  • Rebecca M. Blank, chancellor, University of Wisconsin at Madison
  • John Seely Brown, former director, Xerox PARC research
  • Carl A. Cohn, clinical professor of education, Claremont Graduate University
  • Mitch E. Daniels Jr., president, Purdue University
  • John J. DeGioia, president, Georgetown University
  • Jonathan F. Fanton, president, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
  • Robert Hormats, vice chairman, Kissinger Associates
  • Freeman A. Hrabowski III, president, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • Jennifer L. Jennings, professor of sociology, New York University
  • Jeremy Johnson, co-founder and CEO, Andela
  • Daphne Koller, president and co-founder, Coursera Inc.
  • Sherry Lansing, founder and CEO, Sherry Lansing Foundation
  • Nicholas Lemann, professor and former dean, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
  • J. Michael Locke, former CEO, Rasmussen Inc.
  • Gail O. Mellow, president, LaGuardia Community College
  • Diana Natalicio, president, University of Texas at El Paso
  • Hilary Pennington, vice president, Ford Foundation
  • Beverly Daniel Tatum, former president, Spelman College
  • Shirley M. Tilghman, former president, Princeton University
  • P. Roy Vagelos, former president, CEO, and chairman, Merck
  • Michelle Weise, executive director, Sandbox ColLABorative, Southern New Hampshire University