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Two private universities announced in as many days considerable slashes to their sticker prices. Utica College in central New York is dropping by 32 percent, from $44,600 to just under $30,500 (this percentage has been corrected from an earlier version), and Rosemont College will cut by $16,000 (from $46,000 to $30,000). Both say they want to avoid scaring prospective students away by charging a number more in line with what students actually pay.

Not a single student at Rosemont is paying the old sticker price this year, and only three are at Utica. And even if the new prices were in place this year at both colleges, only 271 out 2,300 students would be paying it at Utica, and only nine out of 1,100 at Rosemont, because discounting off sticker price is so high.

Although no student at either college will see five digits' worth of savings, officials from both colleges said they will see some -- an average of $815 at Rosemont and $1,800-$2,000 at Utica.