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The University of Akron has denied repeatedly in recent weeks that it is eliminating its university press, although many on campus and off don't believe the university, because it eliminated the jobs of all press employees, including the director. On Tuesday, the university's provost, William M. Sherman, sent an email to the campus saying that that "Jon Miller, associate professor of English, has agreed to serve as transitional director for the University of Akron Press. Dr. Miller has published two books with UA Press; served on the Faculty Senate's Library Committee for six years, including the last two as its chair; and has significant experience as a scholarly editor of journals, an encyclopedia and critical editions."

The email went on to say, "Dr. Miller will work with Tom Bacher, current UA Press director, and Phyllis O’Connor, interim dean of university libraries, to manage the current activities of the UA Press (acquisitions, editing, marketing, distribution, etc.) and recommend a staffing and operational plan to meet obligations for previously published and currently contracted publications. As part of this process, they will determine how the press’s future operations are incorporated into the ongoing strategic planning relating to university libraries."

Some skeptics noted after the announcement was sent that it doesn't pledge to continue publishing beyond those works already under contract.