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In advance of the first Republican presidential debate this week, the American Federation of Teachers is trying to call attention to candidates’ ties to the for-profit education industry.

A website registered to the labor union says that “Republicans have embraced for-profits while tearing down public institutions to benefit their blue-chip friends.”

It outlines various connections between some of the GOP presidential hopefuls and for-profit colleges, taking aim at the support that former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida and Governors Chris Christie of New Jersey and Scott Walker of Wisconsin have provided to for-profit colleges.

Some of the connections were less direct. The site, for instance, calls Ted Cruz "a Republican for profit," citing his decision to launch his campaign at Liberty University, "which embraces the for-profit model." Liberty University is a nonprofit Christian college with one the country's largest online programs.

AFT has endorsed former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for president. Her financial disclosure last week revealed that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was paid at least $16.5 million by the for-profit college chain Laureate Education for serving as honorary chancellor.