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Arizona State University’s contract with edX shows that the university and the massive open online course provider have yet to settle on the finer details concerning the Global Freshman Academy, an initiative announced last week that will let students earn a year’s worth of credit through MOOCs.

Read the full contract by clicking on the thumbnail. Language relevant to the Global Freshman Academy begins on page 28.

Only a page and a half of the 42-page contract, obtained by Inside Higher Ed through a public records request, is dedicated to the Global Freshman Academy (the rest is the standard agreement universities enter into when becoming an edX partner institution). The contract also leaves room for further negotiation. Philip Regier, university dean for education initiatives, last week said ASU and edX had yet to determine how the two will split tuition revenue. The contract reflects that fact, stating they “will agree upon a revenue share” without going into detail.

The contract also creates an opportunity for ASU to award more credit than initially reported. The university will consider -- “subject to appropriate review and approval” -- awarding credit for MOOCs offered by other institutions, the contract states.