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Wesleyan University announced in a campus email Monday that the college has expelled two of the five students arrested in February after 12 students -- 10 from Wesleyan -- were hospitalized after the use of the club drug Molly. The email from Michael Whaley, vice president for student affairs, addressed press coverage that has suggested a widespread drug problem at Wesleyan. "Survey data consistently shows that rates of illegal use of drugs (other than marijuana) are just slightly higher here than the national average for colleges and universities, and the statistics bandied about in the media reflect the fact that Wesleyan has been actively addressing drug violations, the huge majority of which are for small amounts of marijuana. Still, much as we may deplore exaggerations in the media, it’s clear that the problem of illicit drug use, which exists on campuses across the country, exists here as well," Whaley wrote. "What the statistics show is that we don’t sweep the issue under the rug."

At the same time, he added that it was "the right time to ask what more we can do." As a result, the university is convening a committee that will develop recommendations on both policies and educational efforts.