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The American Anthropological Association, with funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, will develop an electronic platform to cut down on the time it takes to review scholarly books. The platform will be built on top of Open Journal Systems, the open-source journal management software, which is already in use by about 20,000 journals. 

"The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is essentially paying for that system to be extended such that it can support a digital-centric process for reviewing books, so that book reviews come out more quickly and in a way that will potentially save scholarly presses and journal editorial offices money," Oona Schmid, director of publishing for the American Anthropological Association, said in an email.

The platform will allow presses to quickly deliver electronic copies of books to reviewers and collect their feedback. The University of Chicago Press, University of Nebraska Press, University of New Mexico Press, University Press of Colorado and the University Press of Florida have signed on to support the platform, which will launch as a prototype later this year.