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In the aftermath of devastatingly high-profile confrontations between campus police officers and peaceful student protesters, University of California President Mark Yudof urged the system chancellors during a telephone meeting to review their incident response policies and procedures, confer with campus leaders before taking action, place a senior administrator at major demonstrations, and direct campus police chiefs “to show restraint when dealing with peaceful and lawful demonstrations.”

However, Yudof's taking time to “reiterate” those processes didn’t bring much comfort to Charles Schwartz, the University of California at Berkeley professor emeritus of physics who obtained Yudof’s e-mail recap of the discussion via state public records law. “Does the President of our University have no understanding whatsoever of the concept of nonviolent civil disobedience? Such acts are often deliberate violations of some law, carried out by nonviolent means for moral and political reasons,” Schwartz wrote on his blog. “According to Yudof’s principle, such demonstrations on this university’s campuses may well be met with violent (unrestrained) actions by our own police, acting under orders from the chancellors.”