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E-Readers, with Scott Beadenkopf (Part 2)

E-Readers: Are We There Yet? with Scott Beadenkopf, Director of Academic Technology at Neumann University. Plus picks from Rod's Podcaster...

Season's Greetings and a Happy 2010

Podsafe Holiday Music Selections from Music Alley

'An iPad for Everyone'

Sept. 2010: Mary Ann Gawelek, provost at Seton Hill University, talks with Rod Murray about the Pennsylvania institution's Griffin Technology...

The Future of Copyright Fair Use

The March 2011 edition of The Pulse features an interview with Steve Anderson, director of the Media Arts + Practice...

Matthew Wasowski, Blackboard Collaborate

The January 2011 edition of The Pulse features an interview with Matthew Wasowski, senior manager of customer programs at Blackboard...

Blackboard's Ray Henderson

The April 2011 edition of The Pulse features an interview with Ray Henderson, president of Blackboard Learn, talking about the...

Blackboard's Ray Henderson (Part II)

The May 2011 edition of The Pulse features more of an interview with Ray Henderson of Blackboard Learn, discussing the...