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Preschoolers, Attention and Academic Success

In today’s Academic Minute, Oregon State University's Megan McClelland explores what a preschooler’s ability to pay attention reveals about their...

Neanderthals and Medicinal Plants

In today’s Academic Minute, Karen Hardy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona explores how new information about the behavior of...

Mayan Urbanization and Natural Resources

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Cincinnati's Vernon Scarborough examines the complex infrastructure that supplied the largest Mayan city...

Tudor Courtly Love

In today’s Academic Minute, Florida State University's Elaine Treharne explores the discovery of an inscription that provides rare insight into...

Humor and Coping with Stress

In today’s Academic Minute, DePaul University's Sean Horan describes how those in stressful occupations often use humor as a coping...

Autumn and Invasive Plants

In today’s Academic Minute, Syracuse University's Jason Fridley explores how and when many invasive plants outcompete indigenous species. Fridley is...

Ancient Synagogue Unearthed

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Jodi Magness describes an ongoing archaeological dig in...

Australopithecine Diet

In today’s Academic Minute, Texas A&M University's Darryl de Ruiter discusses what we can lean about the diet of Australopithecus...