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The Swedish Theory of Love

What is the Swedish theory of love? In today’s Academic Minute, Uppsala University’s Lars Tragardh explains.

Is It Really the Hottest in 100,000 Years?

This summer has been a hot one … but was it as unprecedented as it seemed? In today’s Academic Minute, Northern Arizona University’s Darrell Kaufman looks to history for the answer.

Mental Health and Work

Your workplace has a large impact on your mental health. In today’s Academic Minute, Babson College’s Emily Rosado-Solomon explores what makes employees feel good or bad.

Ngiare Brown | Chancellor of James Cook University

Ngiare Brown is the first female and the first indigenous chancellor of James Cook University. Here she shares what she hopes to achieve during her tenure, including making higher education a place for indigenous students

New Theories of Epidemiology

How did doctors begin to track infectious diseases? In today’s Academic Minute, part of Gettysburg College Week, Jim Downs delves into the history.

Mediating Human-Nature Relations

Streaming can be harmful to the environment. In today’s Academic Minute, part of Gettysburg College Week, Salma Monani explores how to start to change this.

Paddling in the Wake of the Vikings

Retracing steps from the past can open up new understandings of today. In today’s Academic Minute, part of Gettysburg College Week, Christopher R. Fee heads to the open water.

Jonas Gyalokay of Airtame

This episode of the Pulse podcast features an interview with Jonas Gyalokay, co-founder of Airtame, a videoconference and screen-sharing service.