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Parkinson's Treatment

What does SLC30A10 mean to you? Chances are: not a lot. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas at...

The World’s Tiniest Snowman

Do you want to build the world smallest snowman? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Surrey's David Cox did...

Referee Bias in NCAA Football

Are the referees playing by the rules? In today's Academic Minute, Miami University's Rhett Brymer is analyzing officiating in the...

Executive Osteoporosis

Can stress in the workplace intensify the symptoms of osteoporosis? In today's Academic Minute, Chapman University's Frank Frisch explains his...

Program 34: Stressed Out College Freshmen / Should Colleges Do Business in Saudi Arabia? (Feb. 6, 2015)

On our Feb. 6 program, Kevin Eagan of UCLA's Cooperative Institutional Research Program and Kevin Kruger of NASPA-Student Affairs Administrators...

Shakespearean Satire

Saturday Night Live premiered in 1975, but satire is hardly a new concept. In today's Academic Minute, Mount Saint Mary...

Celebrity Influence

The suicide of Robin Williams is just the latest example of a celebrity’s actions raising the discussion to national attention...

Duties of the First Lady

What exactly does the job description of First Lady of the United States consist of? Throughout history, the position has...