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Students' (Problematic) Internet Use

The Internet makes college easier, but can it be too much of a good thing? In today's Academic Minute, Georgia...

New Forest Economy

Cutting edge technology could revive an old economy. In today's Academic Minute, the State University of New York's Thomas Amidon...

Reaching Students Through Snapchat

Knowing how to use the latest social media platform can be a boon for your brand. In today's Academic Minute...

Adolescent Males and Future Fatherhood

Can risky behaviors as a teen predict what kind of father a boy will be? In today's Academic Minute, Northwestern...

Climate and Building Mountains

What can erosion tell us about climate change? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin's Sean Gulick...

How Poverty Reduces Self-Control

What do self-control and poverty have to do with each other? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Oregon's Elliot...

Sensitivity to Annoying Behavior

Does your sex help determine how annoying you find your co-workers? In today's Academic Minute, Michigan State University's Chris Hopwood...

Predicting Future Box Office Success

Show me the money. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Iowa's Kang Zhao, details how his research team came...