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Saki Monkeys

How do you study monkeys that you can’t see? In today's Academic Minute, Winthrop University's Janice Chism describes looking for...


Preventing genocide is one of our biggest challenges. In today's Academic Minute, Keene State College's James Waller says a human...

Human Perception

Selective attention is a key practice to help us process our busy world. In today's Academic Minute, the University of...

Humanities and Business

What do the humanities have to teach the business sector? In today's Academic Minute, Franklin & Marshall College's Jeff Nesteruk...

Virtues, Vices and Political Influence

Do virtues or vices make for a more influential politician? In today's Academic Minute, Leanne ten Brinke of the University...

Sounds of the City

The sounds of a city can be just as distinct as its skyline. In today's Academic Minute, the University of...


Cyberbullying is a giant concern in the internet age. In today's Academic Minute, Clemson University's Robin Kowalski examines how children...

The Harm in Everyday Sexism at Work

Workplace sexism isn’t always visible. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Melbourne's Victor Sojo discusses how frequent low-intensity events...