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Public Transportation

How do we get more people on the bus? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Maryland Baltimore County's John...

Coffee and Dementia

Hope you’ve had your morning coffee today. In today's Academic Minute, Indiana University's Hui-Chen Lu explores whether a coffee a...


Everyone needs to get revenge once in a while. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Montana's Stephen Yoshimura determines...

Paying for Pain

Would you pay for pain? In today's Academic Minute, Cardiff University's Rebecca Scott delves into a few reasons why some...


The view of immorality is different for children and adults. In today's Academic Minute, Yale University's Christina Starmans explores why...


When was the last time you felt nauseous? In today's Academic Minute, Siena College's Max Levine describes how helping people...

Self Esteem, Depression and Your Partner

Need help during a time of low self-esteem? Rely on your partner. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Alberta's...


What causes dishonesty? In today's Academic Minute, Princeton Neuroscience Institute's Neil Garrett looked into our brains to find a clue...